Saturday, June 1, 2024

Updated Project

We authored papers on ancient logic and on Aristotle's theory of the continuum.

1. Investigate Ortiz Hill's theories on identity, equality, intensionality and extensionality in the light of dependent type theory and homotopy type theory.

a) intensions and modalities are irreducible parts of logic and the structure of reality

b) we must never confuse identity with equality which is better to call equivalence, there being several notions of equivalence

c) extensions (and completed infinities) can be problematic and do not have logical or ontological priority 

d) type theory was a step in the right direction  which became perfected by Martin-Löf

2. Investigate embeddings of formalizations of philosophical systems (specially modal type theories) into dependent type theory.

3. Defend Husserl's philosophy of logic and theory of knowledge against its opponents.

3a. Continue Gödel's philosophy based on a unique interpretation and reconciliation of Leibniz and Husserl.

4. Continue the project of a virtuous hermeneutic circle between higher category theory and Hegel's logic.

5. Give a detailed philosophical intepretation of Pali Buddhism in terms of ancient and modern western philosophy (Skeptics, Stoics, Plato, Aristotle, Plotinus, Kant, Schopenhauer and Husserl) and show how popular accounts of original Buddhism are mistaken.  This involves in particular

5a. Develop a synthesis between Kantian and Schopenhauerian ethics.

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Prolegomena to a future logico-mathematical metaphysics

The pure categories (captured by higher order categorical logic, etc.) must be unfolded and specified via schematism and regional ontologies...