Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Non-well-founded infinity

 Suppose we wish to define an enigmatic property $\Pi(x)$ of a set $x$.  We have the condition

\[\Pi(x) \leftrightarrow \Pi_1(x) \vee \exists y \in x. \Pi(y) \]\[ \neg \exists y. y \in x \, \rightarrow \,  \Pi(x)\] That is, if $a$ is an atom then $\Pi(a)$. Our question: is it true that $ZFC \vdash \forall x. \Pi(x)$ ? In what sense in ZFC is the whole always 'more' in some special sense than the part ?

1 comment:

  1. This post is an attempt to formalize some aspects of the first proposition of Proclus' Elements of Theology.


Prolegomena to a future logico-mathematical metaphysics

The pure categories (captured by higher order categorical logic, etc.) must be unfolded and specified via schematism and regional ontologies...