Wednesday, May 15, 2024


1. Natural deduction and quantifier logic in ancient philosophy.

2. What was Kant's logic in the CPR ? Was it adequate even to express the transcendental analytic ?

3. Claire Ortiz-Hill's analysis of equality and identity in Frege and Husserl in the light of dependent type theory and in particular homotopy type theory. How Gentzen and Martin-Löf show us the most promising path in philosophy.

Our considerations on 'holology' and higher category theory - are in fact extremely relevant to the philosophy of concepts, objects, extensions, abstractions and intensions all concerning which ancient philosophy has many important things to say. Why should the 'object' that is an 'extension' of a 'concept' be a set rather than an $n$-groupoid ? How do we account for 'some' in mass-nouns and propositional attitudes ?

4. (Book) Kant, Schopenhauer, Husserl (both of the earlier and later phase) and certain ancient eastern traditions: logic, epistemology and ethics with reference to the interpretations of Hanna, Schulting and Shapshay.

Kant and Husserl in their 'cognitive semantics' agree remarkably well  with the basic architecture of the mind (or consciousness) layed out in the Pali suttas. But in some fundamental points, in which he differs or corrects Kant, Husserl is closer and in other points (logical, dialectical) Kant is. As for ethics, we might consider a synthesis of Kant and Schopenhauer.

4a. Original Buddhism was neither empiricist (in modern terms) nor relativist. And neither were Pyrrho and Sextus. 

5. All philosophers at the table: what is axiomatic philosophy, why it matters and how it is possible. 

5a. Computer assisted axiomatic philosophy using dependent type theory.

6. Theory of theory, theory of proof and genealogy of the theory of definition.

7. The Hegelian Kant, Husserl and category theory as universal ontology.

8. In defense of analyticity and refutation of inferentialism/proof-theoretic semantics and of pragmatic, social, relativist and coherentist accounts of truth, meaning and inference.

9. Formalize Porphyry's Eisagoge (done) and pin-point difficult questions and uncertain aspects.


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