Take standard first-order semantics. Consider a model $M$ of a certain theory $T$. Now suppose that we wish to include a subset a $\Psi \subset M$ to represent first-order formulas $\phi$. We denote the element corresponding to a formula $\phi$ by $\bar{\phi} \in \Psi$. Suppose we wanted all subsets of $M$ to also have internal representation via elements set $\Omega \subset M$. Given $X \subset M$ let the representative be denoted by $\bar{X} \in \Omega$. Then we wish to have a predicate $m(x,y)$ such that
\[ M \Vdash m(\bar{X},\overline{\phi(x)}) \text{ iff } \{z \in M: z \in \mathcal{I}\phi(x)\} = X \]
where $\mathcal{I}$ is the Tarskian interpretation in $M$. We will investigate later if this can lead to a paradox or limitation result.
Now suppose that in FOL we had an operator $[\,]$ which transforms a formula $\phi$ into a constant $[\phi]$: the free variables in $\phi$ this time (unlike in Bealer's system) are not free in $[\phi]$, it is a constant (or closed term). Suppose we had a predicate $Sub(a,b)$ which holds precisely when $a = [\psi(x)]$ for some $\psi(x)$ with single free variable $x$ and $b = [\psi([\psi(x)])]$. This expresses the reflection-into-self of $a$.
Now suppose we had a truth-like-predicate $T(a)$ which holds precisely when $a = [\phi]$ for some sentence $\phi$ which is, for instance, provable in a deductive system $D$ or true in a given class of models $M$, etc.
We assume we have the basic properties: i) $T([\phi]) \rightarrow \phi$ and ii) $T([\neg \phi])$ iff $ \neg T([\phi])$.
Consider now the formula $G(x) \equiv \neg\exists y. Sub(x,y) \,\&\, T(y)$ and let $Sub([G(x)], g)$.
Suppose that $T(g)$. Then by hypothesis $Sub([G(x)], g)$ and so by definition of $G(x)$, $\neg G([G(x)])$ and hence by i) and ii) we get $\neg T([G([G(x)])])$, that is, $\neg T(g)$, a contradiction.
Note how $g$ involves a further reflection-into-self mediated by negation. The result is thus a limitation on predicates satisfying i) and ii). It seems very likely that the above argument could be transposed to Bealer's system.
In Bealer's system if we postulate $y\Delta [\phi(x)]_x \equiv \phi(y)$ then we can obtain a Russell-type paradox (without relying on practically any other axiom).
A very interesting kind of 'limit theorem' involves how formal systems (such as $HA^\omega$) cannot represent the totality of total recursive functions.
Also the curious fact that we can define the set of indefinable real numbers.
This reflection-into-self, can it be given a geometric embodiment (if we wish to consider the connection between geometry and logic as in topos theory) ?
The downward Löwenheim-Skolem theorem is not the same kind of limit result. We consider that it is formalized within ZF(C) itself. If we do not accept this (i.e. the self-reflectivity of ZF(C)) then we are done. Otherwise we see that ZF(C) reflected-into-itself is aware that it is not really set theory, but only a countable reflection of set theory. This is a positive result. A limited system is itself 'aware' of its own limitation.