Untersuchungen zu Cicero's philosophischen Schriften (vol 2, part 1)
De logica stoicorum (pp.61-78)
I managed to find online the volume (dedicated to Hermann Sauppe) containing Hirzel's De logica Stoicorum as well as the volumes (published by Solomon Hirzel) of the 1882 'Untersuchungen' on Cicero's philosophical writings. Vol 2, part 1 , alone is more than 500 pages and entirely dedicated to 'The development of Stoic philosophy' . I also got the Gabriel et al. paper. De logica Stoicorum is written in a florid Latin and is just a pedantic discussion about whether the Peripatetics or the Stoics were the first to use the term 'logic' ; it goes on to cite various ancient sources that mention or give a definition of the terms 'logic', logical' and 'dialectics' . There is no actual logical or philosophical content in this 17 page article and nothing that would have interested or influenced Frege.